Association de Sauvegarde du


Etienne de Blois (1135-1144)

1135 Son of Adèle, Grandson of William and  Matilda, he succeeds his uncle Henry I.
There are many uprisings : Etienne cannot hold down his Kingdom. His cousin the Empress Matilda  claims the estate of her father.
1136-1138 – Troubles and dark times  in Normandy.
1137 – Death of  Louis VI, King of France ; accession of  Louis VII, who weds Eleanor of Aquitaine.
1139-1141- Matilda crosses to England, supported by her half-brother (bastard) Robert of Gloucester.
1141- 2nd of  February, at the battle of Lincoln, Etienne is defeated and taken prisoner. On the 14th  of September, Robert of Gloucester is taken prisoner. Between the 1st and 3rd of November, exchange of prisoners; Etienne and Robert  are set free.
1144 - Geoffrey  Plantagenet, Matilda’s husband, grabs the Duchy of Normandy and has himself  recognised as Duke by the King of France after he has conquered Rouen.

Etienne de Blois
